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The Pearson Education Innovation Award Vietnam is designed to promote inventive practices in all aspects of teaching and learning for STEM fields among BUILD-IT partners. Our goal is to help Engineering and Technology faculties close the gap between academia and industry as well as between theory and practice. By improving in these areas, graduates will be better prepared to meet employer requirements and at the same time, the educational institutes will fulfil their mission to prepare students as productive leaders. Education plays an immensely important role in addressing these challenges. We seek to help educators experiment and apply pedagogies that provide students with personalized, hands-on learning experiences. We believe that a thoughtful integration of education technology can be particularly helpful in tailoring learning to individual student needs. This award aims to be a catalyst for the transformation of education in Vietnam by recognizing individuals who are working towards addressing these issues.
Up-to five projects will be recognized and celebrated at the annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Conference (STEMCON), hosted by Arizona State University, to be held in Danang on March 14 and 15, 2019.
Finalists will receive the following:
- Sponsored travel and accommodation at STEMCON
- Opportunity to present at the STEMCON conference
- Invitation to BUILD-IT Certified Facilitator Training Program
Grand Prize Winner
All-expense paid trip to present at and attend the 2019 Pearson Now/Next in learning conference in Scottsdale, AZ in April 2019[1].
Pearson Education Innovation Award Vietnam
Submissions for the Pearson Education Innovation Award Vietnam must demonstrate creative approaches to teaching and learning in one of the following categories:
- Collaboration models between industry and educators where students can apply the knowledge, skills or attitudes most important to local employers.
- Curriculum design or classroom management strategies that increase student engagement. Examples include:
- Integration of technology to personalize learning
- Adding an online component into the traditional face-to-face delivery mode
- A novel assessment strategy that involves students and/or employers in the evaluation process.
- Dissemination of internationally recognized best practices in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Examples include:
- Mentoring programs where professors or academic leaders inspire others within and beyond the institution in the development of innovative practice
- Knowledge sharing via professional publications, at association events or among faculty at one’s institution
- An evaluation or recognition system to honor teaching excellence. Integration of international curriculum, digital learning materials or English language instruction that increases the opportunity for students to participate in exchange programs or to engage with a global community of practice.
Application Process & Timeline
Submit your teaching and learning innovation via the online application by 11 January
Finalists announced on 18 January and notified of revision requests along with details for submitting the STEMCON presentation abstract
STEMCON presentation abstract due by 8 February
Finalists arrange for travel and accommodation in Danang
Finalists present their projects at STEMCON and the grand prize winner is announced
Finalists will also be highlighted in a BUILD-IT newsletter that goes out to all BUILD-IT partners.
Selection Criteria
The Pearson Education Innovation Award Vietnam recognizes educators and leaders who have implemented innovative projects at their institutions with measurable and demonstrable results. A Selection Committee will be appointed through BUILD-IT and applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- A clear and concise project description that includes a list of goals and objectives aligned with one or more of the aforementioned award objectives
- Detailed description of the project outcomes to dateInitial, measurable evidence of impact[2] and deliverables
- Extent to which the project can be shared and scaled within or beyond the educator community at your institution.
Finalists are strongly encouraged to present their project at STEMCON.
1. In order to be eligible for the grand prize trip to Scottsdale, Arizona, the winner must be able to acquire a Visa for the United States. Please visit this link for details: http://www.ustraveldocs.com/vn/vn-niv-typeb1b2.asp
2. Measurable, evidence of impact: This is an important aspect for the selection process. The Award is designed to support innovations that benefit the broader teaching and learning community. The application, therefore, must provide a framework through which tangible and measurable evidence can be achieved to justify the impact of the innovation on teaching and learning. Evidence could include feedback from learners or employers (qualitative and quantitative), research data and analysis, student or employer evaluation of instruction, or measures of change in student performance.