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Automation Project-Based Learning Activity
Arizona State University (ASU), the USAID Building University – Industry Learning and Development through Innovation and Technology (BUILD-IT) Alliance and sponsoring industry partner, Rockwell Automation and Polyco Group are launching a dynamic Automation Project-Based Learning Activity to advance faculty and students’ experience of the latest automation technology and to expand project-based learning goals within the partner universities.
Through this education partnership, students will learn how to apply automation and information technologies for smart, safe and sustainable manufacturing. In addition to student education, faculty will be trained on how to integrate project base curricula into their classrooms using the same technology with license free software Connected Component Accelerator Toolkit (CCAT) and Connected Components Workbench (CCW). As the BUILD-IT Project continues to expand active and project-based experiences for students, this competition will support faculty to integrate relevant curricula to address and train their students for Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Activity Details
Institutional round
The top 3 selected teams of each university will receive an education scholarship of 1.000.000 VND/student.
Final round
The 2 final winning teams will receive a scholarship and a funded trip to Singapore to visit Rockwell Automation Manufacturing Plant and additional training in Connected Enterprise.
Ready to join the competition?
To submit faculty or ask questions, please email Ms. Thao Tran at Tran.Thao@asu.edu